University of Otago International Research Master’s Scholarship
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Seulement à 195 dhs/an
Masters Degree Deadline: admissions deadline
Study in: New Zealand
Course starts 2024
The University of Otago International Master’s Award provides funding to support international Master’s students studying at the University of Otago. Research Master’s scholarships support students during the thesis part of a research Master’s degree.
University of Otago, New Zealand
Eligible thesis-based Masters Programme under the following divisions: Commerce/School of Business, Health Science, Humanities, Sciences.
8 – two per teaching Division.
International students
NZ$17,172 stipend per annum plus a tuition fee waiver for 1 year capped at the domestic rate for Master’s study (excludes student services fee and insurance)
The scholarship will only provide support for the thesis component of a Master’s Research degree for up to 1 year full-time enrolment. It also only partially covers the cost of your tuition fees. As an international student you will be charged a higher level of tuition fees than a New Zealand domestic student. The Scholarship covers tuition fees for your thesis only at the domestic fee rate, i.e. the cost a New Zealand student would pay for their fees.
Applicants must be:
Selection is based predominantly on academic merit and the applicant’s potential for research. Due to the limited number of these scholarships, applicants require very good grades to be successful. The University only recommends applying if your grades in the later years of your degree are at A or A+ level. Read information on grade requirements for University of Otago scholarships for international students.
Applications are made online through the eVision portal after applying for admission to a programme. You will receive an alert in your eVision portal after applying for admission to your programme, inviting you to apply for a scholarship
It is important to read How to Apply page and visit the official website (link found below) for detailed information on how to apply for this scholarship. Applications can be done anytime as long as funding is still available.
Official Scholarship Website:
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